Sunday, December 13, 2009

BP13_PeerReview_Alveraz, A.J.

"I recently had students create Family Trees for a project that wrapped up a unit on the parts of the family. To make this a more interesting and interactive project (had I known about Glogster then) I would have had students create their posters using Glogster and requiring students to include one media asset of either video or audio. This might have been more accessible to many of my students as so much of the photos that they used to illustrate their family trees were printed especially for the project. Most students had taken their photos using digital cameras. This might be a more interesting and accessible way of creating posters for my digital natives.

I love this idea and am definitely going to incorporate this into one of my lessons. I'm thinking this would be particularly good for my advisory class. What a wonderful idea. Thanks for the great idea!

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